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Our monthly market update
Our monthly market update
Our monthly market update

Click here to see this month's Risk Rating.

China stimulus fueled emerging markets. US markets continue their march to new highs.

The Risk Rating

Looking at the S&P 500 index since 1950, we have discovered key insights:

Red Light Conditions:

  • Red light conditions have existed only about 15% of the time since 1950. However, that 15% of the time accounted for only 1% of the stock market's gains

  • 99% of market return since 1950 occurred when the S&P was not in Red Light conditions.

  • Virtually every major market correction (including 1987, 1989, 1998, the Dotcom Bust starting in 2000, and the Financial Crisis starting in 2008) occurred after conditions changed from Yellow Light to Red Light conditions.

Having a plan is key to properly managing any situation. We know that no indicator is perfect, past performance doesn’t mean Jack and no strategy guarantees a profit or prevention from loss. A mathematical risk rating helps balance risk by creating a critical exit point for down markets. Our 3-Rules of Investing are:

  1. Have a Plan for Up Markets

  2. Have a Plan for Down Markets

  3. Have a Clear Way to Tell the Difference

Click the button below to read this month's full highlights and learn about our risk rating.

Market Matters

October 2, 2024

State of the Markets - October 2024

Our monthly market update

Click here to see this month's Risk Rating.

China stimulus fueled emerging markets. US markets continue their march to new highs.

The Risk Rating

Looking at the S&P 500 index since 1950, we have discovered key insights:

Red Light Conditions:

  • Red light conditions have existed only about 15% of the time since 1950. However, that 15% of the time accounted for only 1% of the stock market's gains

  • 99% of market return since 1950 occurred when the S&P was not in Red Light conditions.

  • Virtually every major market correction (including 1987, 1989, 1998, the Dotcom Bust starting in 2000, and the Financial Crisis starting in 2008) occurred after conditions changed from Yellow Light to Red Light conditions.

Having a plan is key to properly managing any situation. We know that no indicator is perfect, past performance doesn’t mean Jack and no strategy guarantees a profit or prevention from loss. A mathematical risk rating helps balance risk by creating a critical exit point for down markets. Our 3-Rules of Investing are:

  1. Have a Plan for Up Markets

  2. Have a Plan for Down Markets

  3. Have a Clear Way to Tell the Difference

Click the button below to read this month's full highlights and learn about our risk rating.

State of the Markets - October 2024

Our monthly market update

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes minutes



State of the Markets - October 2024
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October 2, 2024

Market Matters

Click here to see this month's Risk Rating.

China stimulus fueled emerging markets. US markets continue their march to new highs.

The Risk Rating

Looking at the S&P 500 index since 1950, we have discovered key insights:

Red Light Conditions:

  • Red light conditions have existed only about 15% of the time since 1950. However, that 15% of the time accounted for only 1% of the stock market's gains

  • 99% of market return since 1950 occurred when the S&P was not in Red Light conditions.

  • Virtually every major market correction (including 1987, 1989, 1998, the Dotcom Bust starting in 2000, and the Financial Crisis starting in 2008) occurred after conditions changed from Yellow Light to Red Light conditions.

Having a plan is key to properly managing any situation. We know that no indicator is perfect, past performance doesn’t mean Jack and no strategy guarantees a profit or prevention from loss. A mathematical risk rating helps balance risk by creating a critical exit point for down markets. Our 3-Rules of Investing are:

  1. Have a Plan for Up Markets

  2. Have a Plan for Down Markets

  3. Have a Clear Way to Tell the Difference

Click the button below to read this month's full highlights and learn about our risk rating.

State of the Markets - October 2024

Our monthly market update

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes minutes

Our monthly market update
Our monthly market update
Our monthly market update
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